anna+murray — similar artists: every ear in the world, henry caravan, pressure carcass, wanda group, British Museum, a large sheet of muscle, the hers, julian prison, dem hunger, u g organic throat blower, basic house and wanda group, swollen trio, henry caravan/swollen trio, henry caravan and pressure carcass, visitants, xenis emputae travelling band, susan geaney, the pneumatic consort, peter cora, phil legard, corey mwamba, tony lugo, the neon death slittes, layla legard, simon bradley, johann wlight, xenis emputae, jani hellén, sean clancy, ailbhe nic oireachtaigh, elizabeth chin, anetude "zaza" geffrard, anna murray, dave kane | corey mwamba, N-T-H, the whip angels, sulis noctis, bent duo, joe beedles, the other without, hawthonn, peter maybury, eamon ivri, satin doll, this is how we fly, أحمد [ahmed], superpang, thomas wincek, sonsale, corey mwamba | dave kane | joshua blackmore, claire guerin, pronounced "pentalpha", the 7 gates ensemble, heralds, tellkujira, polyorchard, listen to the voice of fire,