anarchy+for+assholes — similar artists: stocked records, yasamal records, cave dweller music, the blurters, the riptides, slick son, yorkshire riffer, deadunderthenursesknifeandgoonatrip, skullcrack, orchestrated dystopia records, human consuming, this is progress, death ridge boys, smoke monolith, barmaqlari injiyir, borderless countries tapes, give praise records, squamish punk night, urod qız, hexendrone, the fuck outs, dajjal, pogostemor, arteom, sustenance outskirt, edippiphpaph, roadside burial, since i, edblanknam, 71812, drive out the snake, wounded orb, exoxb, nebulard, babasil, noisegrave, queenigar, blessmymadness, tote haut, sellvana, dieu ivre, amavros /amavros, sukkkgall, brokenchelust, pinocchio elephant, ron andrico, the savior monkey, kyywo, massive assault, tenement rats, straight to a tomb, impact statement, jonathan bekoff, dwarves, sick pose, a man called stabb, arquivo morto,