all+hits — similar artists: all hits, the darling buds, neo neos, candy highway, garbage disposal union, connie voltaire, the prissteens, the nits, brick head, sniffany, golden starlet, qqql, vedicardi, abi ooze, the very best of sister tiffany lee linnes, cel ray, cb radio gorgeous, destructos, flennen, display homes, blonde revolver, dotx3, hot chicks, virvon varvon, belly jelly, non plus temps, the real distractions, ribbon stage, mort clique shows, table sugar, neotypes, primitive teeth, the ultracore, love exposure, the beta blockers, fdh records, arrêt, it thing, debbie downers, wet dip, kool & the gang bangers, launderette, the neuros, jj and the a's, the politicians, born innocent, the witch fingers, star party, the bristols, french vanilla, porno glows, the buzzards, myrmidons, stiff love, self improvement, blowdryer, emission control,