aitvaras — similar artists: somnium nox, 0-nun, aitvaras, salqiu, msrblflr, zakaz, greytomb, Zeugen der Leere, steingrab, preludium, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, d'un autre temps, lidelse, thermohaline, petrale, transcending rites, coldcell, heaume mortal, fortress of the olden days, devil city cult, withered grey, grimmdistribution, pillars of crucifixion, atra haeresis, précipices, frigoris, dwell in solitude, silence thereafter, icare, værbitt, barús, atrate, out of the mouth of graves, frozen dreams, asthénie, kâl, zwiespalt, dissolve patterns, boru, symbol of domination prod., dark east productions, gaktungar, knowledge through suffering, melankoli, vølus, nirrti, psionic madness, bál, der ghul, ursinne, ennoven, foothill roots, leprous vortex sun, reflection of misery, ondfødt, farsoth, reign a.d.,