act+of+worship — similar artists: vorum, dementia 13, sarpanitum, iconic vivisect, azooma, necrosanct, xenomorphic contamination, POLYPTYCH, virus of koch, ravencult, gods forsaken, dead in the manger, decrepitaph, god disease, kever, horrisonous, borow, mithras, zealot cult, hellcraft, mitochondrial sun, blood urn, spiritual holocaust, Agos, act of worship, invincible force, nuklear frost, a389-158, ashen light, dhwesha, tombstone highway, nar mattaru, psionic madness, purtenance, human collapse, in obscurity revealed, abnormity, miasmal, vasaeleth, chaos inception, endless affliction, stygian shore, drain of impurity, dismember, kade storm, regurgitated guts, necros christos, leprous divinity, screaming forest, holdaar, decimated humans, vølus, abysmalist, abysmal torment, sadistic butchering, out of the mouth of graves, begging for incest,