a+void+eternal — similar artists: gaktungar, dark east productions, bál, cult of vampyrism, svart runar, shuja, solitude productions, black tar riderzz, godcider, shattered hope, lebensabend, asmodey, anorion, goatvermin, revelations of rain, psychosis 4.48, anksunamoon (russia), esphares (france), strani orizzonti autoproduzioni, lugburz, godhater, morkulv, khladnovzor, nohesth de groth, eternal apathy, mabthera, la mer est morte, helllight, comatose vigil, book of sorrow, cult of the horns, svarte septika, yolwolf, promethean misery, diabolic s✟orm, aspercrucio, neverending sadness, antigod kult, concubia nocte, torrens conscientium, loneliness observatory, gartraada, psionic madness, disinter 666, when nothing remains, black tar riders, crystal rain, symbol of domination prod., ekklesiast, soijl, twilight's embrace, myridian, spitehowling, talsur, honeybunches of death, endless sleep, apotelesma,