a+shark+among+us — similar artists: elephantis, dream atlantic records, kings at heart, take shape, melodic hardcore passion, vona, create to inspire, road to manila, secondhaven, no bragging rights, seasons in wreckage, состояние птиц, ceruleus, home ties, donnie brasco, parting ways, silence lies fear, the cold harbour, wolf:speak, in archives, climates, empty handed, ghost native, ambleside, best years, picturesque, take the name, windover, that night forests grew, this concept, until we are ghosts, create avoid, empty your lungs, cedron, my iron lung, number them, crucify me gently, withered bones, half sight, conveyer, vacant home, melodic hardcore passion x heartbridge, in arms, worthwhile, among them, Motives, fresh nelson, the danger of falling, awake the dreamer, saints never surrender, to the wind, miles&feet, perspectives, love alone, slncr, vouloir, to release,