a+new+hope — similar artists: strike eagle, see thomas howl, jetfire prime, xennon, Gab Manette, Dimi Kaye, advection stride, CoolAm7, thorisson, ZXSP, m.k. khan, 20six hundred, JNNY COBRA, ghosthost, neon arcadia, virtual intelligence, midnight fury, Starfarer, peacecraft, ectoplague, the state of synth, STRAPLOCKED, Gemwave, Miles Matrix, YORU 夜, The Institute 91', Watch Out For Snakes, C Z A R I N A, The Neon Droid, cffndrggr, m.e.m., cottage cult, dhastron, zitilites, the runaway wild, skyyamaha, syst3m glitch, von hans, timedriver, soundengine, viperdrive, Michael Weber, Retröxx, jacket., Russell Nash, Beckett., danny madigan, Night Rider 87, primo the alien, synthaid 2018, Gibarian, keiji otarii, KILLSTARR, gregorio franco, TV Players, night leather, jonny fallout,