Winx — similar artists: Parralox, mario punchard, cece peniston vs the human league, rave 2 the grave, andras fox, the emanations, rhythim is rhythim, fatima njai, dimitri from paris x fiorious, belgian new beat, jay duncan, dfa records / comps, the reynolds, nexus 21, Andrew Weatherall, Phonica Records, Olivia Newton-John, waxmaster maurice, acid_pattern, cybersonik, i.l.r. studios, ric y martin, r.villalobos-d.jack, Soul Clap Records, the apparition, disciples with james yuill, boogie down edits, Wighnomy Brothers, derrick may, lonely c, pixeltan, fsq, sweet tooth t, project 88, jos wink, kermit leveridge & the super weird society, Capricorn, clarke & east, plssre404, aubrey fry, soulsmoke, Winx, michael the lion x amy douglas, the super weird society, doc martin, greg wilson featuring the reynolds, ARTBAT, the reverend cleve freckleton & the sinners, Baby Prince, Delsin Records, michael the lion, blind arcade, guevarism, various artists: re edits, The Japanese Popstars, liam mockridge, rotate 38,