Lights+ — similar artists: wires & lights, smoke and spotlight compilations, Weird Genius, a cold transmission compilation, rina pavar, tokyo machine, children on stun, stiiill, Unterschall, plastikstrom, sweet ermengarde, wave tension records, cold transmission music, october burns black, skyelle, a cloud of ravens, mark e moon, ashes fallen, the waning moon, devoted sinners, tearwave, The Rope, lena sue, yako, iamnoone, robin vane, david spekter, wolfy lights, cozi zuehlsdorff, ohne nomen, iamtheshadow, redless, brigitte handley | matahari ranch, cold beats records, madrex, burning gates, the bluebeard's castle, ninet tayeb, hallowed hearts, the ending nights, Mazare, angel's arcana, The Secret French Postcards, they die, the bellwether syndicate, letten 94, the cold field, bad computer, stonebank, grooving in green, unwished, nfd, carlo onda, transhuman rebirth, mitra mitra, non-lieu, Then Comes Silence,