Amen+Dunes — similar artists: Amen Dunes, marching church, factums, pop. 1280, cult of youth, dream police, trop tard, wymond miles, loose fur, cheena, children’s hospital, monteagle, nice face, naked on the vague, ty segall & white fence, the men, gastr del sol, the bitters, stuart a. staples, cultural decay, gem trails, slug guts, isotope 217, tjutjuna, case studies, angels of light, woodsman, bill mackay & ryley walker, palace music, aldous harding, gunn-truscinski duo, human eye, japandroids, joanna brouk, Do Make Say Think, the sea and cake, protomartyr, aereogramme, vive la void, carl simmons, teen idles, religious knives, corey flood, Fire Talk, the clientele, karate, naomi punk (captured tracks), kristine leschper, domingo garcia-huidobro & jozef van wissem, onlys, media jeweler, soundwalk collective with jesse paris smith feat. patti smith, daily void, danny arakaki, phosphorescent, nixon mask, curtin,