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tags: orchestral folk soundtrack classical instrumental

03/2020 SLOWclaudio puntin nikos platyrachos
electronic alternative ambient instrumental classical chillout
01/2020 Slownikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/2018 Μαύρη Μπογιά στο Μάρμαρο - Black Paint on Marblenikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/2016 Τα Άστεγα - The Homelessnikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/2012 Σμύρνη - Smyrnanikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/2011 Ονειρογραφία - Dreamscriptnikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/2008 Από την Αυτοκρατορία των Σκιών - From the Realm of Shadowsnikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/2005 Η Χορωδία του Χαρίτωνα - Chariton’s choirnikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/2001 Σεπτέμβριος - Septembernikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral
01/1995 Nur über meine Leiche - Over my dead bodynikos platyrachos
folk instrumental soundtrack classical orchestral